Monday, February 23, 2009

Because life shouldn't be all about my dissertation...

Here, I am, re-affirming my existence with a mighty YAWP.  Or an itty bitty blog entry.

I’m a bit busy at the moment.  Remember this?

It’s that time of the year again.  Crossing my fingers – while typing, hahaha!  See, I’ve got mad skillz! Wish me luck!!!


Obsessing over:  When Love Speaks: The Sonnets (EMI).  A recording of Shakespeare’s sonnets by some of the best British actors and an eclectic gathering of world musicians.  All of the tracks are wonderful, but I am this close to pressing the “buy” button on iTunes just to hear Alan Rickman say “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” over and over and over again.


I’ve been listening to BBC radio for sometime, mostly BBC Radio 1, which I guess is the Top 40 station.  However, I just discovered a program called Words and Music, a program on BBC Radio 3, which combines music and literature.  I am currently listening to Michael Gambon reading work by playwright and actor Harold Pinter, interspersed with music by Miles Davis, Bach, Thelonius Monk, Schubert and Beethoven.  Great listening when I’m bored out of my mind transferring results tables from Stata to Excel.


Free highlights!  Complete with shampoo and blow out! Only in NYC!  I finally got a color appointment at Bumble and Bumble, two weeks ago and it turned out great!  I have a little bit of highlights that warm up my hair and go really well with the new red lipstick(s) I bought last week.  Hee.

And speaking of lipsticks, are you kidding me?  Are you freaking kidding me?


GREY LIPS???!!!  Apparently that’s Fashion Week’s forecast for fall.  

I know I will never pull it off, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be tempted to buy it. *Plans scheme to go back to Lipstick Queen.*


New fave show!  Being Human…care of BBC, of course.  Three unusual flatmates (a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost) living in a pink house in Bristol.  Wicked J. 

Best line: "We're pathetic! We're like the world's gayest ninjas!"

I will follow George's floppy ears to the ends of the earth.  Bit of a cliffhanger in the last episode...someone drives a stake into Mitchell's heart (ack! chews on fingernails!)!

On a dissertation-related topic, let me leave you with a new use for Stata user manuals:

Stabilizes the converter, the better to see Gary Sinise with. J