Friday, December 23, 2011

Four months in between posts, must be some sort of record…

Time flies when one is having fun.  Let’s just say this semester was an eternity.

My brain is not wired to blog yet.  This post is just to let you know I am not dead.  Yet.

A few notable discoveries during the last four months:

(1) I am severely addicted to anchovies.
(2) Hell is giving THREE (yes, count ‘em, THREE) final exams in one day.
(3) If heaven is not Serrano ham and manchego cheese slathered with fig jelly, it must be something very close to it.
(4) Rubbing Golden Retriever belly fixes most things (but I knew that already).
(5) Tablita is not “table” in Spanish.  Duh.
(6) Anchovies!!!
(7) I like red wine better than white.  Malbecs in particular. 
(8) In a battle between stipend versus sanity, we SHOULD always choose sanity, though we probably almost always never do.
(9) I am getting old. It’s funny how that just occurred to me.  

I am almost ready for Christmas.  Check out my Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

I see a real Christmas tree with tons of décor in my future.  Must hit the sales on the 26th.

Xabi says Merry Christmas, everyone!

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