Sunday, April 6, 2008

So it shall be written: Charlton Heston 1924-2008

I must have watched The Ten Commandments more than 20 times. I had first seen it when I was around 9 or 10 years old, and I have probably watched it every Holy Week since. Charlton Heston was such a huge part of my childhood: in addition to The Ten Commandments, I have seen Ben-Hur, The Agony and the Ecstasy, and The Greatest Story Ever Told and these probably influenced my taste for large-scale epic movies (no, Gladiator is not one of them). My parents are such huge fans that they recognized his voice even when he was not onscreen (not to mention his trademark knock-kneed gait). Even now, when I watch that chariot race, or the parting of the Red Sea, or the confrontations between Moses and Pharoah (played by the also larger-than-life Yul Brynner), I just shake my head and say to myself that people don't make movies like they used to.

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