Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My room is now officially a sick zone.  I just popped downstairs into the convenience store to buy the last box of Kleenex tissues, taken out my Neozep, Vicks Vaporub, and Berocca from my storage boxes, and put White Flower instead of my usual lavander-sage blend into the fragrance oil burner (you smell like an old lady, but it’s the best thing for nasal congestion, trust me). 

I can’t even blame this on my students, because I don’t have any, but I suspect that I must have gotten this cold from the 12 hours spent on a plane commuting between the East and West Coasts last week.

It’s 10:30 in the morning and the temperature is a frigid -17°C.  My cousins in San Francisco are enjoying a comfortable 8°C at 7:30 in the morning.  I won’t even go to how warm it is where Roomie’s cousins are, or how great the weather is where my parents are.

I am meeting my professor at 9:30 pm tonight, and I am already very afraid of how cold it might be later.

Due to the production of a disgusting amount of snot, my turista chronicles of San Francisco will be posted at a later date.

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