Thursday, August 30, 2007

Back to ohm time...

For those who are interested, yoga classes are starting again at Fordham. The first class will be on September 5 at 5:30 pm at Keating B23. Tom always gives the first class free. If anyone's also interested, I am attaching the fall schedule here just in case.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Repost survey...Gah! I hate cross-posting!

Good Lord, another survey! Since my life isn't really happening right now (still working on sock, yoga classes have not started, opera season starts in September, etc.) I decided to burn 4 hours of my life on this survey. You better enjoy it.


1.What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?

Just do it.

2.Do you bite your nails?


3.Are you a jealous person?

Always, but I don’t show it.

4.What are you allergic to anything?

Housework, haha.

5.What books, if any, have made you cry?

Any book that has a good dog story in it.

6.Does it get annoying when somebody says they'll call you, but doesn't?

As long as it’s not David Tennant, I don’t really care.

7. What is your favorite simple ice cream flavor?

Coffee, I guess.

8. Whose car were you in last...?

Noel and Frannie’s.

9.What would you rather be doing right now?

Richard Armitage...yum...ay, what would I rather be doing pala, not who....

10. What song lyrics, if any, are stuck in your head at the moment?

Since you said goodbye, polka dots fill the sky, and I don’t know why....

11. What did you dress up as for Halloween?

Haven’t yet.

12. What are your favorite TV shows?

Quite a lot, I bet there isn’t enough room here.

13.Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?

Gender is immaterial to me. If we get along, we get along. I have had my share of both male and female enemies : )).

14.Can others make you cry easily?


15. Who was the last person to piss you off?

Ilagay ko kaya ang picture ni...

16.Are you picky about spelling and grammar?

Sure, although I admit I make mistakes all the time (especially in Tagalog).

17.Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?

Not really, but if it’s a small snack, I wouldn’t want it to have 300 calories.

18. If you could be any type of fruit, what would you be?

Durian. You have to get through those spines to get to the good stuff, and it’s an acquired taste (even I don’t eat it!).

19. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?

I can live on five hours, but I’m not sure if anyone wants to live with me only getting five hours (just ask my roommate).

20.When was the last time you slept on the floor?

In my sisters’ apartment this past summer. When my parents arrived, there wasn’t enough beds.

21.Have you ever been attracted to someone, but not physically?

There have always been something physically attractive about the people I am attracted to. The thing is, apparently, I’m the only one who sees it.

22. What are some things that are needed in a relationship?

Trust. Affection. Growth. Puppy.

23. Do you like traveling?

No. Hate planes. An hour in a plane usually makes me sick for the next couple of days.

24. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?

No. I think the tattoos would be very distracting.

25. Do you believe the guy or girl should pay on the first date?

The guy should always pay. It’s not a date if he doesn’t.

26. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?


27. Which do you make: dreams or plans?

Bit of both.

28. Can you speak any languages other than English?

Tagalog and Cebuano. I used to speak rather good French and very little Fookien (but my mother taught me a few curses) at a certain point in my life.

29. What is your favorite salad dressing?

Ranch. But only Paul Newman’s.

30. What movies do you know every line to?

“Fredo -- you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone ‘gainst the Family again. Ever.”

31. Has anyone told you a secret this week?


32. Have you told someone else that secret?

Give you a clue…see #31.

33. Would you rather take the picture or be in it?

In the picture.

34. Do you wear flip-flops?


35. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

The steamed fried rice at Harbor City. Have been eating this regularly since I was five years old, and I still think it’s great.

36. What's the sweetest thing someone has done for you?

One time, I was crying alone, and my dog Olive found me. She licked my face and started to cry with me.


1. What’s worse: a one night stand or a bad relationship?

Bad relationship. Harder to skip out on it.

2. Is it easier to forgive or forget?

There’s a story about a farmer and a snake. The snake bit the farmer’s son, and the boy died. The farmer went and cut off the snake’s tail. The farmer said to the snake, “Come, let’s be friends. Can we just forgive and forget the past?” The snake replied “Oh, it’s very easy to forgive…but you will never forget that you lost your son, I will never forget the loss of my tail.”

3. Can men and women be just friends?

Not if they are Harry and Sally.

4. Dating co-workers?

Haven’t done it. A government office is not exactly a good place to find men.

5. All expenses paid vacation to where?

Rome (Yes, I know the pic is of the Vatican. Geez). Athens. I always had this thing for older civilizations. Plus, Serge Lutens delivers packages anywhere in Europe.

6. On the way to the electric chair what’s your last meal?

My mom’s munggo soup.

7. When you are in love do you notice other people?

Sometimes it feels like being a horse with blinders on.

8. Is flirting cheating?

If it’s only flirting, it’s NEVER cheating.

9. Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 pals?

I’d rather have one good friend.

10. If someone called you an asshole would you be offended?

I don’t really think so, because I know I am definitely not one.

11. Are you okay with your significant other being friends with other guys/girls?

Yeah, but once they become more important than me, I’m kicking him to the curb.

12. Would you live with someone without marrying them?

Right now, I am more inclined to say yes.

13. Friends with benefits?

Friendship is already complicated. Sex complicates it even further.

14. Do you believe in angels?


15. Have you ever flirted with someone you had no interest in?

Hell, yes.

16. Ever kissed a random person and then walked away?

Ewww! Boy cooties!!!

17. Is it ever ok to ask out your best friend's exs?


18. Ever broke up with someone and regretted IT?


19. Where's number 19?

20. Has Chuck Norris ever come to your house?

Does Chuck Mal-Norris count?

21. Are you a beach, country or city person?

City. I have been a city girl all my life.

22. Where do you spend most of your money?

To help alleviate poverty…my poverty that is.

23. Would you consider yourself adventurous?


24. Can you shoot pool?

No. Small hands. Tiny fingers. They’re better off doing...other things.

25. Would you sing karaoke in front of co-workers/friends?

Of course. The Bible says we shouldn’t hide our talents (hahaha! I can see all my friends running for cover!).

26. Do you like being single or are you ready to settle down?

I am pretty happy being single.


1.The phone rings, who do you want it to be?

The lottery people!

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?


3. If you had to kiss again the last person you kissed, would you?


4. Do you take compliments well?

No. Always a skeptic.

5. Do you play Sudoku?

Not regularly.

6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive?


7. If your house were on fire, what would be the first thing you would save?

My laptop. Dissertation is in there.

8. Who was the last person you slept in the bed with?

Peyton Manning. Then I woke up....

9. Who do you text the most?


10. Favorite children’s book?

It would be Harry Bleeding Potter.

11. Eye color?

Very dark brown.

12. How tall are you?

150 cm.

13. If you could do it over again, start from scratch, would you?

I could do it, but not without a lot of grumbling.

14. Any secret admirers?

Yeah, they're all secret.

15. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?

Never been.

17. Where was the farthest place you traveled?

Malcassairo. In the year 100 trillion. In a blue police box.

18. Do you like mustard?


19. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?


21. Do you miss anyone?


22. Can you do splits?

Of course. Even better than my friend J. I didn’t take two years of yoga for nothing.

23. What movie do you want to see right now?

I just missed the run of Becoming Jane and have to wait till it’s available on DVD.

24. What did you do for New Years Eve?

Family dinner.

25. Do you think The Grudge was crappy?

Never saw it.

26. Do you own a camera phone?

Nope. I’m low-tech.

27. Was your mom a cheerleader?

No, but still, she was the campus golden girl all the same.

28. Whats the last letter of your middle name?


29. Are you hispanic?


31. Do you like care bears?

What do you think?

32. What do you buy at the Movies?

Just the ticket. I don’t eat or drink while watching a movie.

33. Do you know how to play poker?


34. Do you wear your seatbelt?


35. What do you wear to sleep?


36. Anything big ever happen in your CITY?


37. Is your hair straight or curly?


38. Is your tongue pierced?


39. Do you like Liver and Onions?


40. Do you like funny or serious people better?

"When you look that serious, it just makes me want you more." -- Dido

41. Ever been to L.A.?

Just LAX.

42. Who is on your mind right now?

Harry Lloyd, Will Ashton and David Tennant. Just google them.

43. any plans for tonight?


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Pox on...

Blogger and Multiply! The cross-posting doesn't seem to be working. The thing is, I prefer writing in Blogger, then importing to Multiply where all my other good stuff is. So for the moment, I am posting the link to my Blogger page so you can enjoy the fruits of my four hour labor.

Here goes....

Monday, August 27, 2007

Good Lord, another survey! Since my life isn't really happening right now (still working on sock, yoga classes have not started, opera season starts in September, etc.) I decided to burn 4 hours of my life on this survey. You better enjoy it.


1.What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?

Just do it.

2.Do you bite your nails?


3.Are you a jealous person?

Always, but I don’t show it.

4.What are you allergic to anything?

Housework, haha.

5.What books, if any, have made you cry?

Any book that has a good dog story in it.

6.Does it get annoying when somebody says they'll call you, but doesn't?

As long as it’s not David Tennant, I don’t really care.

7. What is your favorite simple ice cream flavor?

Coffee, I guess.

8. Whose car were you in last...?

Noel and Frannie’s.

9.What would you rather be doing right now?

Richard Armitage...yum...ay, what would I rather be doing pala, not who....

10. What song lyrics, if any, are stuck in your head at the moment?

Since you said goodbye, polka dots fill the sky, and I don’t know why....

11. What did you dress up as for Halloween?

Haven’t yet.

12. What are your favorite TV shows?

Quite a lot, I bet there isn’t enough room here.

13.Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?

Gender is immaterial to me. If we get along, we get along. I have had my share of both male and female enemies : )).

14.Can others make you cry easily?


15. Who was the last person to piss you off?

Ilagay ko kaya ang picture ni...

16.Are you picky about spelling and grammar?

Sure, although I admit I make mistakes all the time (especially in Tagalog).

17.Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?

Not really, but if it’s a small snack, I wouldn’t want it to have 300 calories.

18. If you could be any type of fruit, what would you be?

Durian. You have to get through those spines to get to the good stuff, and it’s an acquired taste (even I don’t eat it!).

19. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?

I can live on five hours, but I’m not sure if anyone wants to live with me only getting five hours (just ask my roommate).

20.When was the last time you slept on the floor?

In my sisters’ apartment this past summer. When my parents arrived, there wasn’t enough beds.

21.Have you ever been attracted to someone, but not physically?

There have always been something physically attractive about the people I am attracted to. The thing is, apparently, I’m the only one who sees it.

22. What are some things that are needed in a relationship?

Trust. Affection. Growth. Puppy.

23. Do you like traveling?

No. Hate planes. An hour in a plane usually makes me sick for the next couple of days.

24. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?

No. I think the tattoos would be very distracting.

25. Do you believe the guy or girl should pay on the first date?

The guy should always pay. It’s not a date if he doesn’t.

26. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?


27. Which do you make: dreams or plans?

Bit of both.

28. Can you speak any languages other than English?

Tagalog and Cebuano. I used to speak rather good French and very little Fookien (but my mother taught me a few curses) at a certain point in my life.

29. What is your favorite salad dressing?

Ranch. But only Paul Newman’s.

30. What movies do you know every line to?

“Fredo -- you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone ‘gainst the Family again. Ever.”

31. Has anyone told you a secret this week?


32. Have you told someone else that secret?

Give you a clue…see #31.

33. Would you rather take the picture or be in it?

In the picture.

34. Do you wear flip-flops?


35. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

The steamed fried rice at Harbor City. Have been eating this regularly since I was five years old, and I still think it’s great.

36. What's the sweetest thing someone has done for you?

One time, I was crying alone, and my dog Olive found me. She licked my face and started to cry with me.


1. What’s worse: a one night stand or a bad relationship?

Bad relationship. Harder to skip out on it.

2. Is it easier to forgive or forget?

There’s a story about a farmer and a snake. The snake bit the farmer’s son, and the boy died. The farmer went and cut off the snake’s tail. The farmer said to the snake, “Come, let’s be friends. Can we just forgive and forget the past?” The snake replied “Oh, it’s very easy to forgive…but you will never forget that you lost your son, I will never forget the loss of my tail.”

3. Can men and women be just friends?

Not if they are Harry and Sally.

4. Dating co-workers?

Haven’t done it. A government office is not exactly a good place to find men.

5. All expenses paid vacation to where?

Rome (Yes, I know the pic is of the Vatican. Geez). Athens. I always had this thing for older civilizations. Plus, Serge Lutens delivers packages anywhere in Europe.

6. On the way to the electric chair what’s your last meal?

My mom’s munggo soup.

7. When you are in love do you notice other people?

Sometimes it feels like being a horse with blinders on.

8. Is flirting cheating?

If it’s only flirting, it’s NEVER cheating.

9. Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 pals?

I’d rather have one good friend.

10. If someone called you an asshole would you be offended?

I don’t really think so, because I know I am definitely not one.

11. Are you okay with your significant other being friends with other guys/girls?

Yeah, but once they become more important than me, I’m kicking him to the curb.

12. Would you live with someone without marrying them?

Right now, I am more inclined to say yes.

13. Friends with benefits?

Friendship is already complicated. Sex complicates it even further.

14. Do you believe in angels?


15. Have you ever flirted with someone you had no interest in?

Hell, yes.

16. Ever kissed a random person and then walked away?

Ewww! Boy cooties!!!

17. Is it ever ok to ask out your best friend's exs?


18. Ever broke up with someone and regretted IT?


19. Where's number 19?

20. Has Chuck Norris ever come to your house?

Does Chuck Mal-Norris count?

21. Are you a beach, country or city person?

City. I have been a city girl all my life.

22. Where do you spend most of your money?

To help alleviate poverty…my poverty that is.

23. Would you consider yourself adventurous?


24. Can you shoot pool?

No. Small hands. Tiny fingers. They’re better off doing...other things.

25. Would you sing karaoke in front of co-workers/friends?

Of course. The Bible says we shouldn’t hide our talents (hahaha! I can see all my friends running for cover!).

26. Do you like being single or are you ready to settle down?

I am pretty happy being single.


1.The phone rings, who do you want it to be?

The lottery people!

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?


3. If you had to kiss again the last person you kissed, would you?


4. Do you take compliments well?

No. Always a skeptic.

5. Do you play Sudoku?

Not regularly.

6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive?


7. If your house were on fire, what would be the first thing you would save?

My laptop. Dissertation is in there.

8. Who was the last person you slept in the bed with?

Peyton Manning. Then I woke up....

9. Who do you text the most?


10. Favorite children’s book?

It would be Harry Bleeding Potter.

11. Eye color?

Very dark brown.

12. How tall are you?

150 cm.

13. If you could do it over again, start from scratch, would you?

I could do it, but not without a lot of grumbling.

14. Any secret admirers?

Yeah, they're all secret.

15. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?

Never been.

17. Where was the farthest place you traveled?

Malcassairo. In the year 100 trillion. In a blue police box.

18. Do you like mustard?


19. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?


21. Do you miss anyone?


22. Can you do splits?

Of course. Even better than my friend J. I didn’t take two years of yoga for nothing.

23. What movie do you want to see right now?

I just missed the run of Becoming Jane and have to wait till it’s available on DVD.

24. What did you do for New Years Eve?

Family dinner.

25. Do you think The Grudge was crappy?

Never saw it.

26. Do you own a camera phone?

Nope. I’m low-tech.

27. Was your mom a cheerleader?

No, but still, she was the campus golden girl all the same.

28. Whats the last letter of your middle name?


29. Are you hispanic?


31. Do you like care bears?

What do you think?

32. What do you buy at the Movies?

Just the ticket. I don’t eat or drink while watching a movie.

33. Do you know how to play poker?


34. Do you wear your seatbelt?


35. What do you wear to sleep?


36. Anything big ever happen in your CITY?


37. Is your hair straight or curly?


38. Is your tongue pierced?


39. Do you like Liver and Onions?


40. Do you like funny or serious people better?

"When you look that serious, it just makes me want you more." -- Dido

41. Ever been to L.A.?

Just LAX.

42. Who is on your mind right now?

Harry Lloyd, Will Ashton and David Tennant. Just google them.

43. any plans for tonight?


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Because Maeo said so, I joined that book website and found out that I am not well read at all, hahaha! Here are my favorites:

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The weather has been uncharacteristically fall-like the past couple of days (right now, the mercury is at 59 degrees, almost 20 degrees lower than where it should be at this time of the year) that my entire day has consisted of doing things normally associated with the beginning of October. In order to brave the chilly rain, I wore my well-worn cords, my favorite salmon-colored coat and waterproof shoes, all of which have been resting in my closet since the middle of April. Instead of wearing a sunny tuberose-coconut-orange flower scent that I bought to sweeten the last hot humid days of summer (yes, the one that bankrupted me last week), I dabbed on a blackberry-rose-cinnamon-cedar blend that is more keeping in tune with the cool air. I have drunk 4 cups of coffee to compensate for the fact that there is no central heating available (Hello! Still August!). And instead of preparing a light poached salmon and mixed greens dinner, I ran to the store to get hunks of beef for a heavy, satisfying stew.

Stews are often associated with colder weather, for various reasons. My reasons are a) it is an excuse to turn on the oven for three hours, thus heating up the kitchen and b) the steaming hot dish, with melt-in-your-mouth cuts of meat (sorry, no vegetarians here) warms the body and the soul. The recipe I share here reminds me of when I was younger, in the big old house, and my mother used to make a version of this. During my college days, this was also a staple at my aunt's home, where I was living at that time. My uncle introduced a very unexpected yet perfect innovation...a side which my friends know as "Tito Tato's Sauce" which (my friends swear) brings the stew to even greater heights.

So, while I am waiting for the stew to cook, I am typing out the recipe here, so that even if I lose my memory, I shall never lose the stew (what kind of lame-ass line is that?).

You will need:

Beef. Lots of it. Okay, maybe 3 large pieces of beef short ribs, and about 4-5 pieces of neck bones (with a bit of meat on it)

One ginormous onion (and yes, I believe ginormous is now in the Oxford dictionary). Julienned or roughly chopped.

Five large cloves of garlic, crushed.

2 large cans of pork and beans.

2 bay leaves.

Enough olive oil for sauteing (if there is such a word).

Salt and pepper to taste.

The best way to go about this is to heat the olive oil on high heat. When smoking, add the garlic and onions. When onions are softened, add the meat. Let the meat brown, then add the canned beans. Add enough water to cover the meat. Add the bay leaves. Boil, then turn down the heat to its lowest setting. Simmer forever (well, at least 2 hours. Today's stew has been simmering for almost 3.) or when the beef becomes very tender. Season to taste.

Tito Tato's Sauce:

The stew is usually ladled onto a bowl or plate of rice. A little bit of the sauce is then mixed into it. You need:

1/4 of a small onion, chopped very finely

about 1/4 cup vinegar (none of the fancy ones, just plain white)

2 tablespoons olive oil

one hard boiled egg, chopped

Combine first three ingredients in a small dipping bowl. Spoon mixture on the rice stew combination and top with a bit of egg.

Painting by Velasquez. Hey, it may not be stew, but at least she's still cooking!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The one with the freebie list...

It's been a week since I've been back, but the past few days have been busy with a little pinch of stressful. It's been a good week though, with several blasts from the past (i.e., my houseguest and I spent an hour on google looking for a past lame is that?). My body clock has been whacked to insane proportions, such that I have been sleeping at 3am and getting up at 11 am. Spot is not himself either. Houseguest brought with her a stuffed cat named Cape (I call him General Cape...see Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan) and needless to say, Spot is allergic to cats, stuffed or otherwise.

So anyway, while my houseguest and I were virtually stalking a former tipsy, we got to talking about our freebie list. From Friends canon, a freebie list is a list of celebrities that one is allowed to get naughty with, with the blessing of the current significant other, since these celebrities are so attractive that you just can't help it. Now the problem is, I was having such a hard time narrowing down the list, since one is only allowed five names. Houseguest's problem is that she has only one name on her list.

So here note that one's prince could be someone else's frog. Chandler's list includes Jessica Rabbit.

The man who launched a thousand sighs and made every British woman wish she were a Jane Austen heroine. Pride and Prejudice was the first DVD that I ever bought for myself, and I still watch Mr. Darcy on a frequent basis (preferably with a pint of mint choco-chip ice cream). I am a sucker for "prideful" men who resist their feelings and then come tumbling down the hill. As for the actual Colin Firth, I don't know anything about him.

Tony Leung. Hero. In the Mood for Love. Chungking Express. Infernal Affairs. 2046. Enough said.

David Boreanaz. This comes with the I-wish-I-were-a-vampire-slayer territory. The dark, brooding vampire-with-a-soul boyfriend (I guess this means that James Masters is the runner-up in this contest) vibe he gives even in his other work (Bones, White Flag video) puts him securely on this list.

Peyton Manning. Even with that little belly, this guy is too cute and funny (see my video page). Oh yeah, he's got that Superbowl ring too.

And finally...

Told ya I like them brooding. Richard Armitage. As John Thornton, in North and South, he's a rougher, angrier, sexier Mr. Darcy (guess who I would want to roll in the hay with). In Vicar of Dibley, he's swoon-worthy as the handsome stranger who is so taken with the female vicar. His eyes speak a thousand words, and even his fingertips have more acting talent than the current crop of leading men.

Now, the freebie list is a laminated list. Either laminate it literally, or promise not to change the list unless there is a really, really good justification.

What's your freebie list like?

Monday, August 6, 2007

At baka they might think I am not from Ateneo...

1. What's your ID number?
Surprisingly easy to remember...940481

2. Passed or wait-listed?

3. How did you know about the ACET results?
Got them while in school. The nuns gave up trying to round us up back to our classes.

4. Was Ateneo your first choice?
At that point, it was. At some other point, it was another school.

5. Do you know what your ACET score is?
Basta I remember I had a good score in Math. Some indicator that was.

6. What course was your first choice?
Eco-H was probably my first choice.

7. Second choice?

8. Anong course mo ngayon?

9. Did you have any plans of shifting?
well, I left Eco-H before they could kick me out...I like to cover my bases...

10. Chinito/chinita ka ba?
yes, although I don't think this is from my Chinese side...pureblooded guakong had huge eyes.

11. Taga-Ateneo High?
sorry, no dick…

12. Did you have fun in your OrSem?
I don’t think so.

13. Saang gate ka pumasok nung first day?
gate 3, I think.

14. Are you staying/did you stay in a dorm?

15. Ever had an F in your grade report?
hah! Buti na lang wala.

16. How about an A?
yep. Several in PE

17. Highest grade?

18. Lowest grade?

19. Worst experience in ADMU?
the math. Whichever one it was…

20. Do you always attend class?
most of the time…although there was this one time that mike tavas dragged us off to protest charter change. We actually asked permission from the professor to cut class.

21. What are/were your orgs?
Heights, AEA, ACIL, AJMA, yearbook.

22. How many units have/did you pass/ed?
basta lahat ng kinuha ko.

23. Nangangarap/nangarap ka bang maglaude?
for the first time in my life, I didn’t kill myself over being an honor student

24. When will/did you graduate?
march 98

25. Fave subject?
Theology with Fr. Dacanay, and (yes I will say it) Econometrics

26. Worst subject/s?
I failed all of my math midterms (even if I was doing As on the other exams). Go figure. also hated accounting.

27. Fave landmark sa ADMU?
Rizal Foyer.

28. Fave kainan?

29. How do/did you get to school?
walked 40 minutes uphill from grand villas.

30. Are/were you always at the lib?
no, could never get any studying done there. Too many books.

31. Ever gone to the infirmary when you were sick?
I don’t think so.

32. Do/did you have a crush in campus?
lahat ng pangit na nakita ko

33. May balak kang mag-MS, PhD?
doing a phd now

34. Have you ever watched a graduation ceremony?
3 times

35. Do you know the "Song for Mary" by heart?

36. Memorize mo ba ang Fabilioh?

37. ...ang Halikinu?
halikinu kinikina halikinu kinikina, yea-bo yea-bo, Ateneo rah! (I have an uncle who used to be in the blue babble)

38. ...ang Blue Eagle Spelling?
If you don’t know how to SPELL, you shouldn’t be an Atenean

39. Are you part of Team Ateneo?

40. Who's your fave UAAP basketball player?
baka si Paul Tanchi. Brains AND brawn.

41. Ever had a perfect score in an exam?
Stats (surprise surprise). Does a 3.97 in Theology count?

42. Ano ang ayaw mo sa Hell Week?
walang tulog, tapos lalakad pa ng 40 minutes galing sa grand villas.

43. Dito ka ba natuto uminom ng beer?
still don’t drink beer.

44. What do you like about our school?
the intellectual snobbery. we thought we were so much better than the people from UP or LaSalle, hahaha.

45. Ano ang ayaw mo?
malayo sya from grand villas

46. Have you ever bought anything at the A-shop?
i think so, but I don’t remember

47. maganda ba ID pic mo?
not during the era of grunge and short hair

48. Done anything illegal on campus?
no, but I know Tanya has, hahaha!

49. Bought anything at National Katips?

50. Ever gone to Starbucks Katips?
starbucks wasn’t around till after our graduation, but I lived in loyola heights and indulged in starbucks (and beauty bar…wala na yun) every now and then.

51. May nakaaway ka na ba sa school?
marami. I make enemies everywhere.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

From one kind of stress to another...

I'm just one of those people who can't seem to relax. Even if I was on a most gorgeous beach on Panglao Island, I confess that my mind was really on a lot of other different things. How much money is this vacation costing me? I hope that's not a thundercloud in the distance....Is this mosquito bite on my pinkie toe going to give me dengue fever?

I took up yoga to help me with this (it doesn't, I just like to be able to do a split at age thirty, without the classical ballet training). I took up knitting, collecting perfumes, blogging, watercolor painting, Agatha Christie, whistling, piano. Right now, I am lazing around in bed, worrying about whether all of this lying down is going to wrinkle the sheets. Plus, I think I lost one of my turquoise pillowcases, and the periwinkle one is not going to satisfy me for long.

Is this write-up too long? Maybe I should just go...(cartoon from

Today's Strip