Wednesday, January 23, 2008

50 More Things You Don't Really Need to Know about Me

1* Do you like cheese?
not all kinds, and there is such a thing as too much cheese...

2* Have you ever smoked heroin?
don’t you snort it?

3* Do you own a gun?

4* Your favorite song?
closer you get by dido

5* Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
i’ve only gone for regular check-ups so there was nothing to worry about...dentists, however, are a completely different story...

6* What do you think of hotdogs?
taste better when they are RED (a la Tender Juicy)

7* Favorite Christmas song?
hmmm, that’s pretty hard to call...a toss-up between we three kings and what child is this

8* What do you prefer to drink in the morning.
coffee with milk

9* Can you do push ups?

10* Favorite super-hero?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Doctor Who. Although, from the Justice League, it would be Wonder Woman.

11* What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
pearl earrings

12* Favorite hobby?
knitting, cooking, testing perfumes

13* Secret weapon to get the opposite sex?
if i had any weapons, then maybe i wouldn’t be in this rocking chair knitting a scarf for a stuffed dog...

14* Do you have A.D.D.?
i got this far in the survey, didn’t i?

15* What's one trait do you hate about yourself?
that i’m poor, hahaha!

16* Middle Name:

17* Three thoughts at this exact moment
a.) dissertation
b.) shit, dissertation
c.) shittety bricketty! dissertation!

18* Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
a.) cappucino
b.) carrot cake
c.) load for the laundry card

19* Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
a.) water
b.) coffee
c.) orange juice

20* Current worry right now?
see #17

21* Current hate?
having heat when it’s warm and no heat when it’s cold

22* Favorite places?
my room, my bed, and I’m lying down

23* How did you bring in the New Year?
visited friends in virginia

24* Where would you like to go?
anywhere i can go shopping

25* Name three people who will complete this and return?
a) Spot
b) Spot
c) Spot

26* Do you own flip flops?

27* What shirt are you wearing?
white Fordham shirt

28* Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
i don’t think i’ve had the opportunity...but if it’s anything like satin dresses, probably not.

29* Can you whistle?

30* Favorite color/s?
light aqua

31* Would you like to be a pirate?
only if i get sandwiched between johnny depp and orlando bloom (with a little chow yun fat on the side)

32* What songs do you sing in the shower room?
anything by the corrs

33* Favorite girl's name?
Shakespearean names: Viola, Olivia, Katharina, Beatrice, Imogen

34* Favorite boy's name?
As with 33: Auberon, Sebastian, Edmund (though he was a villain)

35* What's in your pocket right now?
no pockets now

36* Last thing that made you laugh?
noel’s entry on how leanne is his loudest friend

37* Best bed sheets as a child?
i remember we had matching sheets for 2 queen sized beds – one set was yellow and the other was green

38* Worst injury you've ever had?
tripped at the quad during my freshman pride was really hurt

39* Do you love where you live?
sure. *don't be fooled by the rocks that i got, i'm still jenny from the block...*

40* How many computers do you have in your house?
3 laptops

41* Who is your loudest friend?

42* How many dogs do you have?

43* Does someone have a crush on you?
do pigs fly?

45* What is your favorite book?
Godfather, Pride and Prejudice

46* What is your favorite candy?
Peppermint Patties

47* Favorite Sports Teams?
Yankees, Maple Leafs, Lightning

48* What song do you want played at your funeral?
Don’t Stop Me Now or Another One Bites the Dust (mwahaha!) by Queen

49* What were you doing 12 AM last night?
Sleeping, like any normal person

50* What is the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
It’s kinda warm in here...

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