Sunday, January 6, 2008

A to Z, which I filched from Noel

A - Age: uhm, 27…
B - Band Listening to Right Now: Freddie Mercury and Queen! (nice duds guys)

C - Career: In my head -- vampire slayer; reality – PhD student

D - Drink or Smoke: Drink
E - Easiest Friends To Talk To: Sisters, cousins, current/former/semi roomies (just some of them, of course)
F - First Crush: Leif Garett, hahaha, try googling that!

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: gummy bears
H - Have a Boyfriend / Girlfriend: No, but I have a fire escape guy…
I - In love: only with my dissertation

J - Junk Food You Like: Planters cheese curls! (yes, I know the picture says cheese balls, dammit!)

K - Kids: Just remember I will probably be the last person you ask to babysit!
L - Longest Ride Ever: Noel, there’s no such thing as
Manila to New York…HK to New York

M - Making love out of nothing at all: And I don’t know how you do it… Have to agree with Noel on Air Supply

N - Names For Your Future Kids: Harry Jasper Junior? (MWAHAHAHA!)

O - One Wish You Have Now: that I will be more disciplined and more organized
P - Phobias: Telephone – hate dialing unfamiliar numbers or talking to people I don’t really know.
Q - Favorite Quote: "In Te Domine speravi" and “Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus”
R - Reasons to Smile: The world didn’t end while I was sleeping…
S - Sleeping Time:
1 am, more or less
T - Time You Woke Up:
8:30 am
if I am lucky
U - Unknown Fact About You: That I used to be called Angel
V - Vegetable You Hate: No matter how hard I try, I cannot like bitter melon.
W - Worst Habit: procrastination
X - X-rays You’ve Had: chest and teeth
Y - Yummy Foods: Most of my cooking, Roomie’s flan, Mommy’s mung bean soup, Grand Majestic, dimsum…
Z - Zodiac Sign: Capricorn, born in the year of the Fire Dragon

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