Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Gang's All Here!!!

That's a heck of a family photo...

As the Doctor would say, "It's absolutely brilliant!"

My students think that my favorite show is The West Wing but that's not quite right. While Robin Hood is on hiatus until the fall, Doctor Who would be my hands-down favorite. Dorky, I know. But if a show has been running for the last 45 years, there must be something going on there, right? I've definitely seen worse shows...even Dr. House watches General Hospital.

The opening credits of Doctor Who usually consists of two names -- that of the actor playing the Doctor (that would be the hysterical David Tennant) and that of his companion (the even more hysterical Catherine Tate). But when I started watching the episode The Stolen Earth, to my delight, there were not two, not three, not four, but six names in the opening credits! They just crammed them all in there!

There were actually three shows crossing over each other in order to save the universe! Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures were coming home to the mother ship to kick ass. To quote Donna (or Martha, I'm not sure now) , it was an "outer space Facebook!" This was going to be huge. Huge!

And the question that all the fans were asking was: is David leaving?

By the end of the episode, I was literally tearing my hair out. The Doctor was mortally shot by a Dalek (it’s a long story, I know) which kick-started the regeneration process (the Doctor is dying, he changes his cells to heal them, etcetera, etcetera, resulting in an entirely different looking Timelord). The show has been running since 1963 (there is actually a Guinness record going on here) and regeneration has been used as a plot device to explain the fact that many different actors have taken the role of the Doctor.

So anyway, David regenerates, then…cliffhanger!

Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks!!!

So after a week, the BBC finally puts me out of my misery. What happens to the Doctor? In the final episode of the season, we have three Doctors! THREE! I can tell you that the universe was saved, but the rest you can watch on The finale is actually composed of three episodes: Turn Left, The Stolen Earth, and Journey’s End.

A pleasant surprise at the very end of the finale. A short trailer for the Christmas special showed the return of the Cybermen, and a shot of my other favorite David, David Morrissey. The two Davids were last seen singing and dancing in the highly entertaining Blackpool (refer to video page). Let’s see how much damage they do on Christmas 2008.

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