Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year to those who can be bothered. Spot is in a bit of a funk because the year of the Dog is over, and the year of the Boar has arrived. Technically, Spot is a Horse (2002, I think), but I don't think that really matters to the mind of a Yellow Labrador Retriever.

Dragons apparently lay low during the year of the Dog (hibernation anyone?). This year has gotta be better for me...right? RIGHT??? So according to AOL Horoscopes (the end all and be all of all things...ehem...horoscopic):

"After the difficult Dog year, you feel like spring is back. Excitement and adventure will be the main themes in your professional life. This is the time to be inventive and connect with new projects. Your career will bring you great success, and you will attain a position of brilliance and authority. All of your efforts will bring forth prosperity, and the income you always dreamt of is at your fingertips. The catch? You'll need to travel if you want to make it happen. Just don't let your newly-acquired freedom and inspiration get to your head. Stay humble and never arrogant in your connections with others. Enjoy your social life to the fullest. In the spring or summer, a great romance can appear in your life, even if you aren't looking for it. Spread your Dragon wings and feel the warm wind carry you to the next level of your existence. Feng Shui Tip: Place a globe on your desk or golden coins on a golden plate in the western part of your living room."

Waaaaah! Can you already tell which one is my favorite part? "...and the income you always dreamt of is at your fingertips." I can finally support Spot in the way that he wants to be accustomed to....

Oh and by the way, people born in the year of the Snake have to give money to other people upon the arrival of the new year, or suffer the consequences...I believe someone in this house owes me some money...

On another note...the BIG BALL of YARN has already become the LONG THICK RED SCARF! YAAAAAAAAY! I posted a picture of Spot modelling it, but I think I will keep this scarf for myself.

From Spot, Mushu and me: Kung Hei Fat Choy!

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