Thursday, February 22, 2007

I haven't gotten the chance to post pics of my yarn and needle haul from two days ago and Spot is positively giddy with excitement as to what we will be doing next. Currently on my needles are my roomie's purple scarf, and a Ginny hat from a pattern posted on Leaky Cauldron, so that I can practice working on circular needles. The hat is probably getting finished earlier than the scarf, but I do hope to finish the scarf before all the cold weather disappears.

The big red scarf has found a new home with a friend. I hope you enjoy it Lorah.

Last night, we were practicing crow pose, and I think there was a split second of being there right where the pose is supposed to be. It felt different from the other times that I "almost" got into crow. I have been pretty lazy about going to the gym, so I should do yoga at home tomorrow--was going to do it today but two straight days of yoga got my hips and my hamstrings really tight. I'll let them rest for a little bit then do the routine tomorrow after I come home.

I finally got to install Stata in my computers but I haven't had time to play with it. Once tomorrow is over, I should be able to play some more. Updating my data sets to include more countries have been a pain, but I should be finished soon and will be able to run the HP filter on those datasets.

There was a Chandler Burr article on the New York Times website today about Les Exclusifs, Chanel's new exclusive set of boutique fragrances (pic from the NY Times as well). A couple of these are reissues of older scents, but I am more interested in the newer scents, in particular Coromandel (yes, I prefer spicy stuff) and 28 La Pausa (I've never had an iris fragrance, but once I was able to smell Iris Poudre, and I thought it was beautiful). Alas, they only sell them in ginormous bottles with an equally ginormous price. So I guess I am on a no buy for these...God knows I have more perfume than I really need. Sigh.

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