Sunday, July 24, 2011

Because it's hockey season...

"Nous vivions en trois lieux: l’école, l’église et la patinoire; mais la vraie vie était sur la patinoire." 

"We lived in three places - the school, the church and the skating rink - but our real life was on the skating rink."

-Roch Carrier


I must have been Canadian in a past life.  How else could I explain why hockey is so fascinating to me?  I can’t even ice skate!  

To celebrate the opening of hockey season, here is a film clip of the classic children’s story “The Hockey Sweater” by Roch Carrier.  The above quote is from the original short story, and is printed on the back of the Canadian five-dollar bill.  




For my francophone friends (and Canadiens fans) here is the French version, “Le Chandail de Hockey.”  The original title in French was "Une abominable feuille d'érable sur la glace" or “An abominable maple leaf on the ice."

The pic is of young Roch, with the detested Maple Leafs sweater.  From Wikipedia.

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