Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Missing Months

May 28, 2010

Whoa!  I can’t believe I haven’t written anything since the Winter Olympics!  (and to tell you the truth, who really remembers any of it?)  So here are some bits and pieces from Spot’s missing months…



By the way, to whomever decides how much movies in NYC cost: $%#@&!  It cost me almost twenty dollars to get into an IMAX theater, when less than a year ago, I was paying about thirteen dollars for the same deal.  Un-freaking-believable!  But it was still not too expensive to stop me from watching “How to train your dragon” in an IMAX theatre, in spite of the fact that I had already seen it.  It’s a predictable, yet charming film that will prove to be enjoyable even if you don’t see it in 3-D, but if you are an animation fan, I think it’s worth it to spend more on the funky looking glasses. 



While we are on the subject of movies, I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of M. Night Shyamalan’s  The Last Airbender in theatres.  The movie adaptation of Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender, it stars a bunch of unknown kids and Dev “Slumdog Millionaire” Patel after Jesse McCartney did a Stuart Townsend on the production, citing conflicts with his tour dates.  In my opinion, I think he couldn’t cut the martial arts requirement for the movie, as opposed to Patel, who has a black belt in taekwondo (bet ya didn’t know that!). 

So in preparation for the movie, I am going through all the episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender.  I am now closing in on the Series 2 finale, and I’m hoping Prince Zuko will finally see the light… 

Edit:  I finished the series!  AWESOME!


But, but, but, but…damn (hangs head).


Thanks to my tech-savvy cousins Joefus and Cookie (sorry cuz, codenames only on this blog), I am the proud owner of a Flickr Pro account.  When I got the email from my cousins announcing the “gift of Flickr, my eyes actually misted a little.  So I’m getting trigger-happy with my uploading.  Most of my pics are still family and friends only, but the food (and sometimes Heckle) pics are now up.


Happy place alert!!!  I’ve had such a good experience at the Frederic Malle Boutique that I have been there three times since it opened last fall.  My mom loves Carnal Flower, and my father wears the fresh and minty Geranium pour Monsieur.  About a month ago, I managed to convince Jonnericious that he needed both the Bigarade Concentrée and the Geranium pour Monsieur.  When Heckle visited me last year, I took her to Barneys to sniff some of their fragrances.  I was debating on getting either Une Fleur de Cassie or Une Rose.  Unable to choose, I walked away.  Last Easter however, I did what any self-respecting perfumista would do – I bought both, bwahahahaha!  A bonus during my last visit was we caught a glimpse of Monsieur Malle himself, and he autographed Jonnerious’ purchases.

I know this post is rather boring, but maybe I’ll get back into the groove of writing…eventually…

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