Sunday, July 24, 2011

Opening up to possibilities

June 8, 2010

Okay, this pic is not quite what I'm writing about, but close enough.  From


Even though summer is probably the most wonderful time to be practicing yoga, sessions in the University are suspended due to the lack of attendees.  So the past few weeks, I’ve been missing my guru and the few good people who drag themselves out of bed on a Saturday morning to practice.  I have tried a couple of times to do a good home practice, but it’s just hard with the lack of space (and the lack of floor to ceiling mirrors in which to admire myself, hehe), and scary because of the lack of guru.


Last summer, a friend of mine had invited me to do the free Bryant Park yoga thing with her.  I was reluctant for a couple of reasons.  One was that it wasn’t really free for me because I would get myself to the city.  Subway fees and all that jazz.  Secondly, with a huge group of people involved (because everybody loves a free lunch…or a free lesson), I was afraid that the instructors might not be able to give attention to my asanas (I know, I know, Tom spoils me) resulting in incorrect poses at best, medical attention at worst.


But what the heck!  I don’t want to spend most of my summer days in an enclosed space hugging the elliptical machine (although E.M., you know I love you). Today was especially gorgeous, a cool morning under a brilliant sky.  Perfect for being one with the universe.  So I saddled up and hied off to Manhattan and found myself in Bryant Park with a lot of time to spare.  (I always turn up early for yoga, because space is always an issue.)


But when I approached the registration table, one of the fit, perky girls who were helping with the sign-up sheets said that the day’s class was not going to be a yoga class, but a cardio-kickboxing class called intensati. 


But, but, but, I came all this way!  And no yoga???  Don’t worry, the girl said.  IT’S GOING TO BE FUN.  And as if on cue, Whitney Houston’s “I wanna dance with somebody” blared out of the loudspeakers.


The truth is, my initial reaction was flight.  What are you doing?  You’ve NEVER done cardio-kickboxing before.  Remember how much fun you made of Heckle?  That’s how everyone else is going to make fun of you.  Now, let’s just go and do some damage at that H&M.


But then, I heard my guru’s voice (I guess five years of yoga do get to you) say “Even if it’s a challenging pose, open yourself to the possibilities.”  And I said in reply “Yes, Avatar Roku.”  Then I looked around and cursed myself for watching too much Avatar: The Last Airbender.


So, I’m going to describe intensati a little bit.  It is a cardio workout that blends martial arts and aerobics techniques, and it is very danceable to Whitney Houston.  What is interesting is that during the workout, the instructor tells us to shout out positive affirmations like “I am powerful!” or “I am exalted!” or “My life is on track and I am never going back!”  or “After this workout, I will pig out at Pinkberry! (Maybe not.)”   These affirmations have a two-fold purpose.  Firstly, making the affirmations allow us to be mindful of our movements, to move with intention.  Secondly, the saying things while trying to punch out an imaginary monster increases the intensity of the cardio workout.  See, I knew I was doing the right thing by singing while being on the elliptical machine. 


It wasn’t something that I’ve ever done before, but it was such an experience.  I felt really energized and alive (although when the session was over, I was so tired that I walked towards Fifth Avenue, when I was meant to be walking towards Seventh).  But as I was looking at the beautiful sky during that last pose, I thought “Thank God I wore my sneakers today!”

I hurt like hell all over, but this is probably the arse-kicking I needed to get busy.

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